M & R Therapy Center

(813) 877-6900 info@company.com

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Federal Workers Comp Coffee Break
Federal Workers Compensation Coffee Break Episode 3! ECOMP BASICS
Welcome to episode 3 of the Federal Workers Compensation Coffee Break Podcast. This episode discusses how to communicate with your claims examiner, upload files, check for responses and keep up to date with any development with your OWCP or FECA claim. This episode is all about “ECOMP!”

ECOMP is a free web-based application hosted by the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) that provides Federal agencies with an electronic system for recording workplace injuries and illnesses, and processing claims under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA). ECOMP features include FECA claim submission, Agency Query System, Claimant Query System (CQS), CE-LinQ for Employing Agencies, OSHA reporting, and many more. ECOMP also allows for uploading of supporting documents to FECA case files. BEFORE WE GET STARTED…. Go TO the FOLLOWING TWO WEBSITES…


If you would like to request more information or would like to correspond with the Podcaster and OWCP consultant email him at: